Prices updated July 2020

Important Information

We pride ourselves on offering excellent colour, service, and our clients safety and hair condition is paramount to us. For this reason we require a patch test 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you have used any supermarket colour or stripper, we may carry out an incompatibility test to ensure we can safely colour your hair. Please also inform us if you have recently undergone any tattooing.

The art of freehand painting

Balayage is the softest way to add highlights and dimension to your hair. A gentle and effective method of highlighting, Balayage is hugely popular among A-listers and stylists alike. Proven over decades in use, the technique can work on any colour or length or hair to great effect. Colour is carefully swept through the hair with a brush and backing board, allowing the colourist to apply highlights without the uniform look you might find with foils, allowing them to flatter your style artistically and bring out a natural and flowing appearence.

Balayage not only brings movement and life to your colour, it is also fairly low maintenence and grows out in a way which looks intentional; the highlights appear to melt into your hair without defined regrowth lines. The longevity this brings to your colour can't be beaten, and the application is very gentle on the structure of your hair compared to many other colouring techniques, helping you preserve its strength while still getting eyecatching results. We use Olaplex in our colouring to ensure your hair comes away healthy and strengthed wherever possible; you can learn more about Olaplex on our main Colouring page

Balayage is a flexible visual technique and can be easily adapted to suit your needs and your pocket.

Pricing starts from £95.00 all inclusive for Balayage (typically 3-4hrs work), and for other freehand techniques price is available on consultation.